Thursday, February 18, 2010

If I start writing now...

It's harder to start writing than I want it to be. There is no lack of love for Trude by any means. I just really have trouble sitting down and saying to myself: ok it's your thesis write it now! That's rather difficult I'm finding. The research part is easy. I could do that all day, and once I start I rarely want to do anything else but what good is it if I can't write it down. I've been pretty good at writing throughout this whole grad school thing but maybe this is just harder because it's this big looming thing. Everytime I tell someone about Trude I get excited. That means I can do this right? I just need to buckle down and make a plan. Oy. Ok. Just writing this gives me ideas about what I need to do. Oh blogging you are wonderful.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Of course you can do this. Just don't think about the big picture if you can help it. Write small pieces and just focus on each of them at a time.

I have the same problem when I work on a novel or a play. I start looking at the whole thing and it seems too hard. So I have to think about it one scene at a time. Which is what you will do too!

Also you should look into Scrivener. It helps me think about one piece at a time. I love it.